Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Absoltuely. Love. It.

The. End.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Office Obsession

Soooooo......I pretty much have an unhealthy obsession with The Office. For the past three weeks I have done nothing (aside from eat, work, exercise and sleep) but watch seasons 1-4 in their entirety. That's 64 episodes, 26 hours, 34 minutes and approximately 1.3 million laughs. But, who's counting?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blogger Bliss

There is nothing that warms a blogger's heart more than knowing that his/her blog is a worthy read. Today I received not one but two compliments! First, a good friend from college told me that I was a good blogger and that I have encouraging thoughts. And second, Katie, a friend and fellow blogger, was thoughtful enough to give me my very first blog award! My little blog heart is boiling! :) This is just the encouragement I needed to start blogging again.

Thank you!

And now it is my turn to recognize the bloggers I appreciate and look up to.
The rules that accompany this FANtastic award are as follows:
  1. Thank the person who was so thoughtful for giving you this award by linking their blog to this post.

  2. Put the logo on your blog or post.
  3. Nominate 10 blogs which show great attitude/gratitude.

  4. Link your nominees to your post.

  5. Comment them to tell them about the award they've won.