Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Bit about ME from A to Z

A is for Australia – I have a passion for missions and was afforded the opportunity to go on a campaign to Australia with Kent Hartman in June 2004. It was an incredible experience.

B is for Boat – I have fond memories of sitting in a boat and eating peanut-butter M&M’s while fishing with high-school friends Kaitlin and Alison. I hope someday we can go fishing again. Ice fishing, that is, in Alaska!

C is for Candle – When I sit down to have my personal Bible study time or write in my prayer journal, I always light a candle. It reminds me of God’s presence.

D is for Donuts – I absolutely LOVE donuts. And so does my sidder, Stephanie Dell. This summer we took turns buying donuts for each other. It is a delicious summertime tradition. I am going to have to see what I can do to make sure this tradition is carried on throughout all the seasons…

E is for Elephant – The elephant is one of my two favorite animals. (The other is the moose. What can I say, I like the big ones). I have been told that when I was little I went to the zoo and said, “Elephants talk loud.” It was then logical for them to become my favorite.

F is for Friend – I could use a good friend right now.

G is for God – I can’t wait to hug God.

H is for Hardcore – I realized this summer that I am NOT hardcore. I LOVE camping and hiking, etc…, but two weeks backpacking in the wilderness was too long without showers, beef and chocolate.

I is for Iowa – My dad almost took a job in Iowa when I was in 8th grade. I’m glad we didn’t move.

J is for Japan – I shared my faith for six weeks in Japan the summer after my freshman year of college. It was a tremendous growing experience and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. My sister, Michelle, is now living in Japan and I pray that her faith is growing like mine did. I also hope that I can visit her while she is there!

K is for Kiss – The first time a boy kissed me I thought it was gross. I didn’t understand how people enjoyed such a thing. But the more I kissed, the more I have come to really enjoy the activity. Ha! :)

L is for Laugh – I LOVE to laugh. But, I’m somewhat of a snob when it comes to laughing. I refuse to give courtesy laughs.

M is for Mz. – I wish that the Ms. title would morph into Mz. Mz. looks so much cooler. And let’s face it, ladies who have to select title (like myself) could use some extra coolness.

N is for Noodle – If you ever spend time with my family, don’t be surprised if someone calls you a noodle. In my family, noodle is (really) a term of endearment. My dad is the head noodle.

O is for Obama – I know that it is just a rumor that Obama is Muslim. However, it still really scares me that he has a hint of Muslim background, even if it’s an itty bitty, teeny weeny, tiny bit.

P is for Piano – I really, REALLY want to learn how to play the piano. I know how to read music as a result of all my band years, and I have taught myself some. I just get frustrated when I have to start moving my fingers up and down the ivories. Does anyone know of a good piano teacher in Billings?

Q is for Queen – If I could be queen for a day, I would spend the whole day at a spa. Facials, and massages, and pedicures OH MY!

R is for Reading – I don’t enjoy reading. I would MUCH rather solve algebra problems or make spreadsheets in Excel.

S is for Shack – Currently, I am reading The Shack, by William P. Young.

T is for Thanksgiving – Sometimes my birthday falls on the same day as Thanksgiving. These birthdays are always the best. I mean, you get the best birthday meal AND presents. That’s one unbeatable combination! One particular Thanksgiving birthday, I remember receiving a Precious Moments KJV Bible from my grandparents and a pair of purple overalls from my parents. Oh, and I can’t forget the matching purple clip-on earrings!

U is for understand – I have come to realize that I will never fully understand God, his timing or his ways. Well, while here on earth at least.

V is for Vending Machines – Vending Machines are my weakness. In college I spent all of my laundry quarters on vending snacks. YUM.

W is for Wish – I wish that I was in Alaska right now, teaching. I know, I know. I need to get over it.

X is for Generation X – I’m not exactly sure what Generation X is, but I do know that I like a couple of Miley Cyrus’ songs.

Y is for Yodeling – I want to learn to yodel so that when I travel to the Swiss Alps someday I can show off my yodeling skillz.

Z is for Zipper – My ultimate FAV ride at the fair is the Zipper, hands down. I was first introduced to this delightful ride back in the 90s by my dear friend, Kristine.


Katie Bl said...

I've experienced C, J, T and V with you. It made me smile to remember. Your sister and I have joked about C a few times. Now, what's up with O? You need to get over that!!! I love you and miss you! I want to be your F! :)

jlair said...

Thanks for the comment Kaite!! And thanks for wanting to be my friend!!! :) LOVE YOU! And miss you tons, duh.

Ryan and Katie said...

1. Did you like the Shack?
2. Obama's father was Muslim but he wasn't raised by him or in any religion. He now is a member of the United church of Christ. But if he were it shouldn't matter.
3. I loved this post.