Thursday, October 9, 2008

And the Thunder Rolls

Last night I took Adam and Kyle to an NBA game. Yes, you read right. An NBA game. I'm really AM that awesome of a big sister. Each year US Bank sponsors a Minnesota Timberwolves pre-season game in Billings...

...and this year they just happened to be playing the OKC Thunder. I, of course, HAD to go and get my Oklahoma fix!

We had an outstanding time...

...even IF our seats may (or many not) have been in the nosebleed section! :)

Some of the most enjoyable parts of the evening include: (1) Spending quality time with my brothers. (2) Seeing how truly HUGE basketball players are. I mean, I knew they were tall, but seeing them in the flesh is quite impressive! (3) And last but not least, being entertained by Crunch. Not only is he adorably fuzzy and hi-larious, he has some MAD skillz as well. See for yourself...


Kari said...

i'm pretty sure that Apply Way t-shirt is your favorite shirt you've ever owned.

am i right?

jlair said...

you ARE right! but i might have to cut back on how much i wear it because there is a whole in one of the sleeves. :(

babyblueeyed girl said...

im so glad you got to see the game
your an awsome big sis for taking your brothers