Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Week in Review

It's been a week since I last blogged, and there are several explanations as to why. First of all, I am still trying to recover from the hurt feelings I experienced when FB informed me that my blog is malicious (okay, not really). And second, Sister-Steph told me that I write about weird topics which completely shattered my inspiration to write.

I guess it might be true that I write about obscure topics hoping to make it sound like I lead this super exciting life. But, the truth is, the life I lead is quite normal, boring, and for the most part uneventful. That's not to say that exciting things NEVER happen. But rather that most are not significant enough to justify an entire blog entry. So instead of multiple "insignificant" posts throughout this past week, I have compiled all the "insignificant things" that happened into one entry, and have accepted that my life, is what it is. :)

Thursday - I rode my bike to work, made a really sweet PowerPoint presentation, and went to bed STARVING.

Friday - I passed the DDA skills assessment test, cleaned my room, and talked about boys into the wee hours of the night with my best childhood friend...just like the good ole' days!

Saturday - I asked God for help with a particular struggle, I found an earring in my Bible that I thought I lost months ago, I wondered if God listened to my prayer, and I ice-skated for two hours straight.

Sunday - I woke up sore, heard some extremely sad and shocking news, and was TOTALLY creeped out with a certain individual.

Monday - I bought a Chicago Bears hat, ate WAY too much candy, and had a sleepover with Sister-Steph.

Tuesday - I completed AECR training, ate Mexican food, and bought a Jade plant.

I admire those of you who continuously have exciting things to blog about! But does anyone else struggle like I do?


Unknown said...

ニ リラハア ンラナウ キリラカルル ニ ウアタイ ニエ タリリ エクア エニモア イナウニミカ フラウノル ニエ モタノアテ モア モニテテ ンラナ タキナエ ニ アミマランル. Ha ha. I didnt realize it was on Japanese still. Anway, I was saying I enjoy your blogs a lot and you better never stop. Sister steph is only jealous and I like hearing about the normal things as if I was sharing a room with you and we were experiencing them together. Miss you sister. You inspire me to blog. I am living in Japan and I think we would have equal excitment if it makes you feel any better.

Tristan and Leslie Block said...

Hey Jenn, I agree with Michelle... even living in a foreign country doesn't automatically give you exciting things to blog about. Hence my lack of blogging! love ya!

Ryan and Katie said...

The obscure and the boring are fun to read about but yes sometimes I am blogged out. When in doubt I post a video or something about my dog :) I must admit sometimes I find myself doing things bc I think it's blogworthy.

babyblueeyed girl said...

I love your blog and everything you blog about it keeps my sanitary and i love you and i miss my roomie your blog helps me laugh at least once a week or so :)

Kari said...

Jennifer!!! My comment would not be entirely appropriate here. I sure hope you're on Google tonight!