Monday, February 16, 2009

26 Things You Probably Don't Know (or Care) About ME!

This is from Facebook...

Well, I have finally decided to complete my list. And just like I add an extra pinch of sugar when I make Kool-Aid, I added an extra random fact to my list. Here goes nothing..

1. I have two ears just like you do. The difference: my two ears don't match. My grandma used to tape down my "sticky-out" ear when I was a baby. And my junior high band teacher called me "Dumbo." Nevertheless, I have never been embarrassed of them. Rather I am quite found of my mismatched ears.

2. Microsoft Excel was my very first EBay purchase. I absolutely LOVE making spreadsheets.

3. I love winter so much and wish that it would snow every single day. I think it would be awesome to get around town via snow mobile. Or whip out the snow shoes for an afternoon stroll.

4. I am extremely picky about what kind of toothpaste I use.

5. One time a complete stranger loaned me his truck for a couple of weeks. It was a fairly awkward situation.

6. I can type really fast. I always had the most WPM in my keyboarding class in high school and I get compliments on my speed almost daily from various people I talk to on the phone at work. I think it might be my superpower.

7. The longest I have gone without a shower is 14 days.

8. If there was one thing I could change about my appearance, it would be to elongate my neck. Long necks are so beautiful.

9. I don’t give courtesy laughs. (Go ahead, call me a humor snob.) I do, however, giggle when I’m nervous or feeling awkward.

10. I love grapefruit and green beans. And thaaaat… about covers it for healthy foods. I much prefer meats, breads and potatoes. And Dr. Pepper.

11. I love getting text messages.

12. Currently I am memorizing Romans 12.

13. One time I came home for lunch to find a turtle outside my door. It was the cutest little baby turtle I had/have ever seen. I took him to PetSmart and found out that he was a Red Ear Slider. I proceeded to buy him $70 worth of luxuries – aquarium, heating lamp, basking rock, the works. And I gave him a beautiful name, Herman Daniel III. But when it came time to clean his tank, it was over. I set him free and got rid of his stuff.

14. I am not an animal lover. Mostly because of the odors they produce and the messes they make.

15. I have an exceptional memory when it comes to names and birthdays. And I like it when people remember my name and birthday.

16. I am a very shy and introverted person. And maybe a bit socially awkward. But Jesus loves me and that’s all that matters. :)

17. I don’t believe for one second that there is such a thing as “falling out of love.”

18. I am adventurous and absolutely LOVE to travel. The next stamp in my passport will be obtained in Switzerland. And the main objective of my trip will be to yodel in the Swiss Alps.

19. I love numbers. Their constancy puts me at ease.

20. Chapstick and lip gloss are essential items in my daily life. And there was a time when I couldn't go to the store without buying a new flavor. Thankfully, I have overcome my obsession.

21. Camping is my all time favorite activity. I love everything about it. Well... except maybe the mosquitoes. I tell ya, it's rough having such sweet blood!

22. I graduated over a year ago (for the second time) and have no intention of pursuing another degree in the near future. This is the longest I have been out of school and I'm afraid that I'm slowly digressing in my intelligence. So, I've decided to keep my mind sharp by teaching myself to play the piano.

23. Reality TV is my vice. I just can't get enough of shows like The Bachelor and America's Next Top Model. Don't judge me.

24. I am a bit of a perfectionist but FAR from OCD.

25. I can relate to Lucy Eleanor Moderatz.

26. I am neither a night owl nor a morning glory. I am at my best in the late-morning and early afternoon.

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